Sunday, May 25, 2008

oh. my. dog.

please. make. them. stop. please.

Mom, Dad and Grandma went shopping for the new puppy. Nothing. That's what I got. And then someone said, "Oh, no, Martha. We bought you a stroller so you don't have to walk." Seriously. They think this is funny. It's not. I'm moving to Minnesota to be with Ikes because I know his 'rents would never pull this crap.

p.s. The photos were taken by my Dad. They turned out really well considering he is not a photog. Mom said he's learning. I still hate them both right now.


Ruby Bleu said...

that. is. just. wrong.

i. will. send. help.

lots. of. licks. ruby

Dandy Duke said...

OMG, Martha! You're a big girl - not a baby! What a silly gift! Can it be returned?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mack said...

You look so offended in those photos! But oh so cute though!

Peanut said...

Oh martha that is just not right. We are sorry.

Emily and Ike said...

How dare they abuse my wife!!!! What is wrong with your mom and dad? They used to be so nice! Do people go crazy when they are about to have a puppy?
You can live with me, my sweet.
PS - I kind of like your pose in the last pic :)

Joe Stains said...

omdog, you should pack your bags right away, this is TERRIBLE!!

Sophie Brador said...

Oh Martha. I just don't even know what to say. I feel for ya sista.


Anonymous said...