Okay, I've been with the 'rents for almost 4 years and The Boy has only been here for 3 months. How is that he gets his own chair and I have to share a chair with Mom? I'm really not happy about this. I think I'll just take over The Boy's chair and he'll have to deal.
Sigh. I guess it's okay if we just share too but I want the name changed to read "Martha".
We finally have lots and lots of snow. You all know how much I love this stuff. My favorite part is pushing KST down and making him eat it. Anyone else getting hammered by this storm?
I hope everyone has an absolutely terrific 2009! I resolve to be a better blogger and post more and get back to visiting all of my friends wonderful blogs.
Born into poverty, I was purchased by a woman who thought I’d be a cute toy for her kids. She quickly learned she was not worthy of the incredible Marthaness she happened upon and gave me to my parents. I have experienced nothing but happiness and joy ever since!
With my good looks, natural talent and impeccable fashion sense, I am the envy of many. Mom and Dad cater to my every whim but my hound siblings are still learning to appreciate my greatness. When I am not modeling or performing, I participate in the world-wide revolution for Boston Domination!
Married to the love of my life, Ikes, November 1, 2007.