Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Martha Mail!

Where are you Mr. Postman?

Maybe he's coming from the east.

Is that him?!

I hope I get there soon! And boy do I hope someone feeds me along the way.


Emily and Ike said...

Oh Martha - I was so excited that you are coming by mail and then my mom said that the post office won't deliver you that way and then I got sad. It sure was a great idea though.
Love and kisses,

Peanut said...

I hope they do deliver you and you get to see Ike.

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Poor Martha...probably better for you not to go thru might get crushed or something.

How about PetEx???

Lots of Licks, Ruby?

Joe Stains said...

we found your blog from Ike's blog and then we were excited to see that you are the photo of the week on Little Beasts!

Jessica said...

Too Cute and Too Funny. What a great idea Martha. Don't you wish we could all just mail outselves to where ever we wanted. We could all have one heck of a meet up.

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Luckie Girl said...

Hey martha,
Did the mail man take a long time to come by? I think you're so sweet!!

Stanley said...


You have the best ideas! (Too bad the hoomans just don't get it). That Ike is one LUCKY DOG! You're a sweetpea, girlie!

Goober love,