Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I'm baaaacccckkkk!

Finally! I missed you all so much. The 'rents have the kitchen finished. All that's left is the countertop but we're waiting on someone else for that.

In celebration, I convinced Mom to take down the temporary fence in our yard so now we have the entire yard to play in! I was so happy. KST has never played in the full yard so I had to initiate him.

Big Mean Kitty is so much more fun to play with now.

Here I am running the full span. You'd better watch out, Mom!


Emily and Ike said...

I'm so glad you're back! I love how the tips of your ears go backward because you are such a fast runner. I should run more - I'm getting kinda fat.

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

We are so glad you are back Martha. You were missed. It looks like you and KST are having loads of fun! Our yard isn't very big, but we loooove to run and play.

Ozzie & Rocky

Joe Stains said...

oh martha we have missed you, I am glad you are back! you sure look like you are having a lot of fun in that yard!!!

Stanley said...

WooHoo!! Martha is BACK!!

I love that last action shot of you! You run like the wind, like a gazelle on the African veld...

Goober love,

Ruby Bleu said...

Martha, Martha, Martha!!! I missed you girlfriend!!! So glad you are back. I love that pix of you chasing KST...you are so fast...I bet we would have so much fun chasing each other!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Balboa said...

yeah, you're back. I missed you, glad to see you're having fun in the backyard.

Frenchie SNorts

Ruby Bleu said...

Hi again...It's Ruby. Martha...I've tagged you...go check out my blog!

Lots of licks, Ruby

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Martha,
I missed you!!! So have your parents finally finished up with the kitchen??

Jessica said...

Those are great action shots of you Martha. Glad you are back...we've been missing you.

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Duke said...

We missed you Martha! We just got back ourselves from our Nantucket vacation! It's so nice to be home but vacation was the best!

Love ya lots,