Friday, January 11, 2008

A girl and her wubba

It's true - wubbas are the *greatest* toy evah. I asked Mom to take some pics of me with mine because I love it so much.

Here I am letting Mom know it's time to put the camera down and play fetch.

However, Mom insisted I pose with the Stewge before playing. I let her know in no uncertain terms I wasn't happy. Mom said I'd better cut the stinkeye like now. Whatevah!

So, do YOU have wubba love?


Mack said...

Girl, Even when you're doing the stinkeye, you are still beautiful!
And yes, I love my Wubba too. I loves to play fetch with it.

Asta said...

You awe so cute..I love youw stinkeye awe so expwessive! But when uyou open youw eyes you awe twuly bootiful! I have a wubba that looks just like youws xept, I have stwings hanging fwom it cause I stawted to destwoy it,hehe
smoochie kisses
pee ess thanks fow liking my new sissy

Sophie Brador said...

KST? Martha, I had no idea you had doggie siblings. How did I not know this? That beagle sure is a cutey patootie.

Stink eye ... ha ha ha ha! You have to see Juno.


Peanut said...

I have never know the joy of wubba. Poor you martha having to pose next to KST.

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

We never had a wubba but we think it is something we'd like. It looks like it might be harder to destroy than some of our rope toys. We told mom to look into it for us!
Ozzie & Rocky

Duke said...

Wubba is the best! I wonder how long yours will last before you destroy it! Mitch has killed both of ours!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Stanley said...

Martha Girl!

I LOVE it when you do the stinkeye! I'm laughing that you do it so much.

I too am in deep Wubbalove! I use mine to drag Stella around the house.

Goober love & smooches,

Jessica said...

We've never heard of a wubba but we are gonna go check them out.

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Great photos as always.

natasha | sohobutterfly said...

Ohhhhhhhhh yes! My two just love the Wubba. They are acutally playing with the "skin" of it right now (yup, they demolished it and took the two balls out) and it has given them many hours of sibling rivalry laden enjoyment. Glad you like your Wubba too, Ms. Martha!

Joe Stains said...

What great photos! We JUST got our first wubba and it is still in one piece somehow!

Jen and Suki said...

I do have Wubba love! You are so pretty, Martha. And KST is kinda cute too...