Born into poverty, I was purchased by a woman who thought I’d be a cute toy for her kids. She quickly learned she was not worthy of the incredible Marthaness she happened upon and gave me to my parents. I have experienced nothing but happiness and joy ever since!
With my good looks, natural talent and impeccable fashion sense, I am the envy of many. Mom and Dad cater to my every whim but my hound siblings are still learning to appreciate my greatness. When I am not modeling or performing, I participate in the world-wide revolution for Boston Domination!
Married to the love of my life, Ikes, November 1, 2007.
You got some spunk girl!
We all literally laughed out loud at the picture of you jumping on your dad!
PeeS: I gave you an award on my bloggy!
Hey Martha, Are you actually levitating all by yourself in that photo where you're super fast.
You've got some serious aire there girlfriend! We could have so much fun together...I KNOW it!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Martha I like giwls with spiwit..I'm like that too, heheheh..I ke must be vewy pwoud of you!
smoochie kisses
woah Ike better never think about cheating on you, you would kick his rear!
we love your pictures. Bite your dad for making you dance.
Martha Girl!
You're so street.
Goob love,
We are guessing that this will be the last time your dad tries to make you dance! Way to go, Martha!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh, Miss Marthaaaa!
How can I join your fight club? I'd give you extra sweet goobette kissies if you let me join.
Goobery love,
Stella (F.M.I.T. - Fightclub Member In Training)
Great shots! I love Martha hoping out of the frame.
And Martha, it's ok, we make Zoey dance too. Just learn to embrace it. Here favorite dancing song is milk shake!
Martha's got some FUNNY faces going on!!
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