Saturday, March 1, 2008

Birthday Month 2008

Let the festivities begin! Because my 'rents don't know the exact date of my birth, they celebrate 31 days of Martha - the whole month of March! I hope you enjoy my birthday month and that you do something fun and exciting in honor of *me*! March 12 is the day the 'rents have "officially" choosen as my birthday so I get even more pressies then. I am hoping I can convince them to celebrate 365 days of Martha next year but Mom claims every day is already a celebration of me.


Mack said...


Time to celebrate!!!

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Oh Oh can next month be 30 day of Ruby maybe??? LOL!!!

I'm with my Mack...Marthapalooza - W00t!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Joe Stains said...

well holy crap, my parents dont know my birthday but we only celebrate for 4 days, I am getting RIPPED OFF! Happy Birthmonth!!!

Duke said...

This must mean a treat and a pressie for every single day of March! Happy Marthapalooza!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Emily and Ike said...

Happy first day of birthday month!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday you sweet babydog!
Love, Dee , Stella and Oris

Stanley said...

Happy BirthMonth, Martha Girl!

Your parents are right. Every day with you should be a celebration!

Goober love & smooches,

Megan said...

Happy Birthmonth Martha! March is a good month, all the divas are born then (I would know)!

Balboa said...

Happy Birthday MONTH!!!!! I think we should get to celebrate our birthdays ALL YEAR!!!!!

Frenchie Snorts

Emily and Ike said...

OMD - I found this at Bentley and Niko's

You can totally win.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Martha baby! I just love your site, you are just the prettiest princess I have ever seen. I hope you don't mind if I add your link to my blog. Also, I have to tell you I think my baby Rambo has a crush on you.

Jessica said...

Yea... It's 31 days of Martha!!

Love, Seadra and Zoe

The Poor Barn Mom said...

Wow, thirty-one days of Martha celebrations?! Awesome.

Happy Birthday month, Martha!


Asta said...


Happy Martha palooza..I think Bostons get whole momfs of Birfdays..I saw Joey got one, and Ruby wants one so I think you should defifinitely have at least amomf too!!!
you look so bootiful in youw hat!
smoochie kisses,Asta