A day in the life of Martha, the Boston Terrier. Join her on her quest for World Domination.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Exciting, isn't it? Until you discover you're staying home while the 'rents and the brat are taking off. I guess I'll be throwing a couple of wild partays while they are gone. Who's in??
Here is a picture of me when I found out I wasn't invited on their travels.
Born into poverty, I was purchased by a woman who thought I’d be a cute toy for her kids. She quickly learned she was not worthy of the incredible Marthaness she happened upon and gave me to my parents. I have experienced nothing but happiness and joy ever since!
With my good looks, natural talent and impeccable fashion sense, I am the envy of many. Mom and Dad cater to my every whim but my hound siblings are still learning to appreciate my greatness. When I am not modeling or performing, I participate in the world-wide revolution for Boston Domination!
Married to the love of my life, Ikes, November 1, 2007.
Let's get all the girls together, hop on AireRuby and go to the spa....
Lots of Licks, Ruby
well if you aren't going to spa like Ruby wants I'm in.
that is one mad Martha!!
I think a partay is definitely in order here!!
Oh boy! If looks could kill!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Have fun partying without them Martha!!!!! Yeah for a Spa Day!?!?!
OMD! That is totally BS!
I'll come over after the spa day - spa = bath.
Poor Martha! We know exactly where you are coming from! Our lovely family deserted us for like 12 days last month! That's for the birds!
Ozzie & Rocky
Stella & I are TOTALLY in, girl! What should we bring?
Goober love,
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