Thursday, September 13, 2007

An apology....and a surprise!

First, I'm very sorry KST (aka Evil Chinevil) hijacked my blog and wrote such stupid stuff. He got a whooping he won't soon forget.

And for the surprise...I received this really cool sculpture from my friend Jenny (and her Mom & Dad) who lives all the way in New York! It is me with my Hello Kitty doll and Stupid Stewage with a bone. Isn't Jenny the bestest?!


Stanley said...

Martha Girl!

No need to apologize for KST. I kind of like the way he talked! He's a quirky little dude.

Your sculpture is magnificent! You look so sweet with your hello kitty stuffie! (I never knew you were a HK fan).

Goober love,

Ruby Bleu said...

Hi Martha...
OMD that is just the cutest thing in the world!!! Your friend should go into business!!!

Hey, I love your nickname for KST...Stewage and Evil Chievil...classic! Had me and Mom rolling on the floor!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Jessica said...

Oh it's so cute. It does look just like you!!

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Anonymous said...

Hi Martha.
KST is quite the character isn't he. The sculpture that was made just for you is BEAUTIFUL.

Joe Stains said...

wow, that is an awesome little statue of you guys. WE MUST REMAIN IN CONTROL OF OUR BLOGS! I am having quite a time with Tanner, but I am enjoying the vacation from the spotlight.

Balboa said...

OMG you are so cute as a statue. I love it.

Frenchie Snorts

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

That is a really neat little sculpture. What a cool friend.

Ozzie & Rocky

Emily and Ike said...

Stewage - you are so witty and funny my love.

Peanut said...

That is a great little sculpture. We like it