Hi Martha, Your Dad's arm looks really huge! LOL!! His fist seems almost as big as your head. hehe I play bitey face with my Mom all the time and she says I freak her out at times. I wonder why...hmm...
Ripping human arms is one of my favorite pastimes. My human's left arm is covered with brew-sez from me. My hu-mom told me that when she got her annual flu shot in November, the nurse was shocked at the number of brew-sez on her upper arm. After she told the nurse that she had a puppy who liked to chew on her arm, the nice nurse put a smiley face on the band-aid that covered the ouchy spot. The brew-sez send a message of love around the world... Love, Franki V
Born into poverty, I was purchased by a woman who thought I’d be a cute toy for her kids. She quickly learned she was not worthy of the incredible Marthaness she happened upon and gave me to my parents. I have experienced nothing but happiness and joy ever since!
With my good looks, natural talent and impeccable fashion sense, I am the envy of many. Mom and Dad cater to my every whim but my hound siblings are still learning to appreciate my greatness. When I am not modeling or performing, I participate in the world-wide revolution for Boston Domination!
Married to the love of my life, Ikes, November 1, 2007.
Hi Martha,
Your Dad's arm looks really huge! LOL!! His fist seems almost as big as your head. hehe I play bitey face with my Mom all the time and she says I freak her out at times. I wonder why...hmm...
I was totally playing with my Mom last night and SLASHED her arm. I was like YA LADY DONT MESS WITH ME, but secretly I kinda felt bad.
You are one tough girl Martha! And you still manage to look so sophisticated!
Ozzie & Rocky
Tenacious M!
and bootiful!
Killer combination!
Goober love,
Oh Martha...that is scawie...you are one tough girlie!
Lots of licks, Ruby
Ripping human arms is one of my favorite pastimes. My human's left arm is covered with brew-sez from me. My hu-mom told me that when she got her annual flu shot in November, the nurse was shocked at the number of brew-sez on her upper arm. After she told the nurse that she had a puppy who liked to chew on her arm, the nice nurse put a smiley face on the band-aid that covered the ouchy spot. The brew-sez send a message of love around the world...
Franki V
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