Friday, September 21, 2007

Oh my dog you guys!

They weren't lying!! They really did stuff me under the seat for 5 hours. I thought for sure they were joking. I was sooooo mad. Mom was afraid to take a pic of me on the plane because she thought I was going to rip her head off. Did I mention I was sooo mad?!

Here I am after we picked up the rental car. I was still soooo mad.

Here I am in the hotel. Mom filled my belly with Merrick's Pot Pie so I forgave her but then I got really tired. Mom said I had a long day. Well, duh. Let me stuff her under a seat for 5 hours. Stoopid 'rents.


Ruby Bleu said...

OMD Martha that is just not right? Should I call someone to report your pawrents? Did you sleep at all? Did you bark? I'm so sorry...

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Stanley said...

Martha girl!

Can't believe you were under that nasty seat for 5 stinkin' hours! I think you should switch places with the 'rents on the way home & let them feel your pain. It's only fair.

Enjoy the vacation, chica!

Goober love,

Anonymous said...

Poor Martha, you should not being treated like that, you're the princess, even a pea could has hurt you. 5 hours under the seat? Unbelievable!
I'll send a masseuse over to sooth all the sore muscles, OK?

Emily and Ike said...

Oh, Martha, my love ...
How can they be sooooo mean?
Where are you? Are you in Minnesota?
PS - my mom wants to know what airline you flew and how much you weigh so she can stuff me under a seat - whatever.

Dandy Duke said...

I would have barked my fool head off! Do you have to be stuffed under the seat for 5 hours all the way home too? I guess it's better under the seat where there's hooman life and down in the cargo where it's all stupid suitcases!

Love ya lots,

Anonymous said...

Stoopid 'rents is right. How in the world could they put you under the seat for 5 HOURS!!!

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

Poor Martha! What an injustice! How dare they stuff Miss Martha under some stupid seat! The nerve of those people!

Ozzie & Rocky

Joe Stains said...

holy crap you cant even see the movie from down there!!