Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Yaaarrrr! It's Talk Like a Pirate Day!

I'm gettin' ready for me vacation. I leave on Friday and Mom gave me a pedicure last night. I'm tryin' t' catch up on me sleep because I'll have nine days o' go! go! go!

Mom told me I have t' fly under a seat but I know she's jokin'. Ayely they wouldn't not put me in first class, right? right?!

I hope all you seadogs and wenches be havin' fun this TLP Day.


Ruby Bleu said...

Ahoy Matey Martha....

Your pedicure looks beautiful. That color suits you. So, you get to fly under the seat? I know you're a speedy/crazy girl like me so what kind of carrier did your Mom get you? How will you stay calm? Inquiring minds want to know...

Have a wonderful time and I can't wait to hear all about your trip!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Duke said...

Oh my gosh! Do I see lavender toenails? Sounds like you're flyin' in style to me, Martha! Have a nice flight!

Love ya lots,

Stanley said...

ArrrrrGhh, Wench Martha!!

I's hearing me rumlings tha' yous be heading for a voyagE! Arrgh.

OK. I'm worn out from talkin' like a pirate. Have a great trip, sister! Enjoy first class ~ be sure to ask for a mamosa once you get seated!

Goob love,

Joe Stains said...

oh geez, wait til tanner learns the word wench!